



実は多くの日本企業がTCFD「気候関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)」に署名しており、賛同機関数は2020年7月末において290社で世界一です。(他は英国210、米国193、オーストラリア71、等。)しかし、情報開示に賛同する署名に留まることなく、積極的に地球温暖化への解決策に取り組んでいるという姿勢を世界に見せることの方が重要だと思います。

また、時代は非財務的な企業価値の情報開示だけでなく、Impact Weighted Accountsという会計制度へにも反映するという次のステージへと進む動きが世界にあることに日本企業は認知し、乗り遅れることないように期待しています。

以下は先週に掲載された、Impact Weighted Accountsの研究をリードしているジョージ・セラファイム教授とシニア・アドバイザーのロナルド・コーエン氏のハーバード・ビジネス・リビューへの投稿です。英語ですが、一読をお勧めします。

How to Measure a Company’s Real Impact

In recent years, most major international airlines have reported healthy profitability. But our calculations show this to be a mirage. In the case of Lufthansa and American Airlines, for example, accounting for their environmental costs of $2.3 and $4.8 billion respectively would make both companies unprofitable.


To date, there has been no way for companies to account for their benefits and costs to society and the environment. We have been working to change that.


The era of impact transparency has begun, and it is moving the goal posts for businesses and investors. Technology and Big Data have combined with longstanding efforts by many individuals and organizations to make the measurement and valuation of corporate impact a reality. With the arrival of impact transparency, impact and profit set the new rules of the game.


It is not all negative though. Companies also create positive impacts through their products and employment, which do not show up in their bottom line.


In the meantime, we each have a valuable role to play. If you lead a company, then measure and communicate your impact-weighted performance. If you are an investor, demand impact transparency from the companies in which you invest and use impact-weighted numbers to assess opportunities and risk. If you are a regulator or government official, mandate the publication of impact-weighted accounts, and use taxes and other incentives to motivate companies and investors to create positive impact. And since we are all consumers, let’s buy the products and services of companies that deliver positive impact to improve our planet and society.


Impact transparency will reshape capitalism. By shifting the pursuit of profit away from negligently creating problems to purposefully creating valuable solutions for the world, it will redefine success, so that its measure is not just money, but the positive impact we make during our lives.




GSG Global Impact Summit 2020  #gsgsummitが、今週の9日、10日、11日に開催されますが、オンラインで聴講が可能です。世界におけるインパクト投資の先端の大イベントです。こういう世界的イベントに、日本人の参加がもっと増えることが、これからの時代の日本にとって大切だと痛感しています。
